“And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” Philippians 2:8
Holy Week is the most sacred time in the Christian calendar, marking the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry. It is a journey through suffering, sacrifice, and ultimately, the triumph of Christ over sin and death. Each day carries profound significance, inviting us to reflect on God’s immense love and the price of our redemption.
Palm Sunday-The Triumphal Entry: April 13th, 2025
Today we follow Christ from triumphal entry to the cross, each waypoint of the journey marked by Jesus’ compassion for those who would betray, mock, accuse, or do violence to him. Though persecuted and beaten, Jesus the Son of God is not disgraced; instead, he asks forgiveness for those who put him to death. We have walked the Lenten pathway these forty days, each of us invited through baptism to “let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” We enter this holy week accompanying Jesus to the cross with both grief and thanksgiving in our hearts, trusting in God’s redeeming love.
Lectionary Notes for Palm Sunday
Children’s Activity Bulletin for Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday-The Last Supper: April 17th, 2025
This evening our Lenten observance comes to an end, and we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Tonight, we remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples, but the central focus is his commandment that we live out the promise embodied in this meal. As Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, so we are called to give and receive love in humble service to one another. Formed into a new body in Christ through this holy meal, we are transformed by the mercy we have received and carry it into the world. Departing worship in solemn silence, we anticipate the coming days.
Lectionary Notes for Maundy Thursday
Children’s Activity Bulletin for Maundy Thursday
St. Mary’s Catholic Church will be holding Community Stations of the Cross on Good Friday @ Noon
Stations of the Cross are a way of walking with Jesus in the last parts of his life before his death and resurrection.
Good Friday-The Crucifixion: April 18th, 2025
Life and death stand side by side as we enter into Good Friday. In John’s passion account, Jesus reveals the power and glory of God, even as he is put on trial and sentenced to death. Standing with the disciples at the foot of the cross, we pray for the whole world in the ancient bidding prayer, as Christ’s death offers life to all. We gather in solemn devotion, but always with the promise that the tree around which we assemble is indeed a tree of life. We depart silently, and we anticipate the culmination of the Three Days in the Easter Vigil.
Lectionary Notes for Good Friday
Children’s Activity Bulletin for Good Friday
Easter-Resurrection Sunday: The Victory of Christ
April 20th, 2025
Sunrise Service @ 7:30am
Worship Service with Camarada Brass @ 10am
“The last enemy to be destroyed is death,” Paul writes. Today Christ is risen, and we gather together with astonishment and joy. Christ is risen, and we have been set free from the bonds of death. Christ is risen, and we are forgiven. Christ is risen, and with the women at the tomb and Peter, we are amazed. Let us rejoice: Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Lectionary notes for Easter Sunday
Children’s Activity Bulletin for Easter Sunday