
Below are the committees within St. Paul’s and their chairperson.  Each committee is responsible for specific items and events within St. Paul’s.


*Kathryn Myers – Chair

Amy Burkett

Sue Ambrosic

Gayle Jackson

Becky Johnson

*Cindy Lash

Deidra Monastra



*Dan Farrar – Chair

*Shane Jackson
*Greg Klein

John Lieberman

*Patty Long

*Tracie Schmolt

John Stanko


Mission Endowment Fund

Craig Maurer – Chair

Sue Ambrosic

Karl Kalk

Lynda Klein

Phyllis Staver


Parish Fellowship 

*Carol Stoner – Chair

*Gary Collard

Sue Reid


Property Management 

Jim Johnson – Chair

Joe Hepler

John Liebermann

*Dennis Morgan – Liaison for Chair 

Paul Mutchler

John Stanko



*Barb Palmer – Chair

Amy Burkett

John Lieberman

Lisa Skelly


Staff Support

*Greg Klein – Chair

Jennifer Nelson Maurer

*Jackie Pritchett

Elizabeth Schehl


Welfare and Social Action

*Cindy Lash – Chair

Christine Bates

Judy Fichter

Lynda Klein

Deidra Monastra

*Kathryn Myers

Kim Oberlin

JuDee Reed

David Stoner

LaShell Williamson


Worship and Music

*Greg Klein – Chair

Carol Butler

*Dwight Butler

Abigail Haake

Karl Kalk

Rev. Kreemer

*Patty Long

*Kathryn Myers

Kim Oberlin

Phyllis Staver


Youth and Parish Education

*Jackie Pritchett – Chair

Scott Larson

Deidra Monastra

Sue Reid


* Denotes member of Church Council